Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game.
The PlayStation 4, PC and mobile versions of the game do not have discs. Instead the different sections are referred to as “Part 1”, “Part 2” and “Part 3” in the game.
Full Descriptions
Short List
1) Midgar
Including Sector 1, Sector 8, Tifa’s 7th Heaven and the No. 5 Reactor.
2) Sector 5 Slums
The meeting in the Church and Aeris’s House.
3) Wall Market
Gaining entry into Don Corneo’s Mansion and the Honey Bee Inn.
4) Sewer and Train Graveyard
Traversing through the Sewer, Train Graveyard and the battle at the Sector 7 Pillar.
5) Sector 6
Back to Aeris’s House, through the Wall Market and ascending the Plate Section up to the Shinra Building.
6) Shinra Building
Floors 59 through 70 and the motorcycle chase.
7) Kalm
Including the flashback scenes in Nibelheim, the Shinra Mansion and the Mount Nibel reactor.
8) Chocobo Farm
How to capture a Chocobo, cross the swamp and avoid the Midgar Zolom.
9) Mythril Mine
Crossing paths with the Turks.
10) Junon
The town under Junon, the parade and sneaking on to the Cargo Ship.
11) Cargo Ship
Traveling from Junon to Costa del Sol.
12) Costa del Sol
Arriving off the Cargo Ship on the way to Mount Corel.
13) Mount Corel
The Corel Reactor, Mount Corel and passing through North Corel on the way to Gold Saucer.
14) Gold Saucer
The first trip to Gold Saucer.
15) Corel Prison
Getting thrown into the Corel Prison after the massacre at Battle Square.
16) Gongaga
Traveling to the ruined reactor and Gongaga Village.
17) Cosmo Canyon
The first visit to Cosmo Canyon including the Cave of the Gi.
18) Nibelheim
Returning to Cloud and Tifa’s home town as well as the Shinra Mansion and Mount Nibel.
19) Rocket Town
Meeting Cid and escaping in the Tiny Bronco.
20) Gold Saucer
Traveling through North Corel, retrieving the Keystone and the Date Scene.
21) Temple of the Ancients
Retrieving the Black Materia and meeting with Sephiroth.
22) Bone Village
Retrieving the Black Materia and meeting with Sephiroth.
23) Forgotten Capital
The Forgotten Capital, Forgotten City and the end of Disc 1.