
Bahamut has a powerful attack and also has some very powerful abilities that can be learned including Abilityx4 (which allows a character to junction 4 abilities rather than the standard 2) and Forbid Mag-RF which allows for refining some of the most powerful Magic in the game.

Attack Name: Mega Flare
Attack Effect: Normal damage

Bahamut attack cinematic

How to Obtain Bahamut

You receive Bahamut as a Guardian Force after you defeat him in the Deep Sea Research Center. There is no alternative method of obtaining Bahamut as this method is available throughout the duration of the game.

Approaching the Core in the Deep Sea Research Center

List of Abilities

Ability AP Effect
Abilityx4 Sets 4 Party and/or Character Abilities to a character. Even if you junction a GF with Abilityx3, it does not change the number of abilities that can be set from 4.
Magic Enables the use of Magic in battle.
GF Enables the use of GF in battle.
Draw Enables the use of Draw in battle.
Item Enables the use of Item in battle.
Str+60% Increase Strength by 60%. Set each as a separate ability for a cumulative effect (Setting +20% and +40% makes Strength +60%).
Mag+60% Increase Magic by 60%. Set each as a separate ability for a cumulative effect (Setting +20% and +40% makes Magic +60%).
Mug 200 Changes Attack command into Mug. Mug adds an item-stealing ability to Attack.
Move-HP Up 200 Recover HP by walking on the World Map.
Auto-Protect 250 Automatically activates Protect in battle. Auto-Protect doesn’t expire with time or with KO.
Expendx2-1 250 Reduces the number of magic used in Double from the usual cost of 2 to 1.
Enc-None 250 Rare items become easier to find after battle.
SumMag+10% 40 Increases GF’s attack damage by 10%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
SumMag+20% 70 Increases GF’s attack damage by 20%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
SumMag+30% 140 Increases GF’s attack damage by 30%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
SumMag+40% 200 Increases GF’s attack damage by 40%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
GFHP+10% 40 Increases GF’s HP by 10%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
GFHP+20% 70 Increases GF’s HP by 20%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
GFHP+30% 140 Increases GF’s HP by 30%. Learn multiple abilities for a cumulative effect.
Boost 10 Increases damage during GF’s attack. When you press Select after GF is summoned, an icon and numbers appear. The number shows the damage value at 75%. Press Square repeatedly to increase it to 250%. But pressing Square while “X" is displayed returns the damage value to 75%.
Forbid Mag-RF Refined Forbidden Magic from Items.
- 1 Meteor Stone refines into 1 Meteor
- 1 Star Fragment refines into 5 Meteors
- 1 Ultima Stone refines into 1 Ultima
- 5 Pulse Ammo refine into 1 Ultima
- 1 Energy Crystal refines into 3 Ultima
- 1 Dark Matter refines into 100 Ultima

- Ability is already learned when Bahamut joins you as a Guardian Force.