
Pandemona does not have a very strong attack, but he does have some very useful abilities. Spd-J allows you to junction magic to the Speed attribute of a character which allows them to attack many more times throughout the course of a battle. Learn Spd-J as soon as possible!

Attack Name: Tornado Zone
Attack Effect: Wind-based attack

Pandemona summoning animation

How to Obtain Pandemona

Pandemona is drawn from Fujin and Raijin during the battle inside the Balamb Hotel. This is during the sequence in Disc 2 when the Galbadian Soldiers occupy the town of Balamb.

Boss battle against Fujin and Raijin in the Balamb Hotel drawing Pandemona

Alternatively, you can Draw Pandemona from the Red Giant in Ultimecia’s Castle.

Boss battle against Red Giant in Ultimecia’s Castle

List of Abilities

Ability AP Effect
Str-J Junctions Magic to Strength.
Spd-J 120 Junctions Magic to Speed.
Elem-Atk-J Junctions Magic to Elemental Attack.
Elem-Def-J Junctions Magic to Elemental Defense.
Elem-Def-Jx2 130 Junctions Magic to 2nd Elemental Defense.
Magic Use Magic command in battle.
GF Use GF command in battle.
Draw Use Draw command in battle.
Item Use Item command in battle.
Absorb 80 Use Absorb command in battle.
Str+20% 60 Raises Strength by 20%.
Str+40% 120 Raises Strength by 40%.
Spd+20% 60 Raises Speed by 20%.
Spd+40% 120 Raises Speed by 40%.
Initiative 160 Enables turn as soon as battle begins.
SumMag+10% 40 Raises GF damage by 10%.
SumMag+20% 70 Raises GF damage by 20%.
SumMag+30% 140 Raises GF damage by 30%.
GFHP+10% 40 Raises GF HP by 10%.
GFHP+20% 70 Raises GF HP by 20%.
GFHP+30% 140 Raises GF HP by 30%.
Boost 10 Boost GF during animation.

- Ability is already learned when Pandemona joins your team as a Guardian Force.