Battle Meter

The Battle Meter is an additional item that you can access from the game menu and it keeps track of a number of statistics regarding your playthrough. On the one hand, you definitely don’t need this item and it is completely superfluous to your play through of the game, but on the other hand, this item (and its enhancements) are missable, so you may as well pick them up.

You can obtain the Battle Meter from Headmaster Cid after the Dollet SeeD mission is complete. Check out that section of the strategy guide for more information:

The first enhancement can be obtained in the Galbadia D-District Prison by challenging one of the prisoners to a game of Triple Triad. Check out that section of the strategy guide for more:

You second enhance comes when you can challenge and defeat the Magician Joker in a game of Triple Triad. This is part of the CC-Group side quest. Check out that page for more information:

So what does the Battle Meter do?

The Battle Meter gives you access to three reports. The first report is available when Headmaster Cid gives you the battle meter and it is called the “Battle Report”. The upgrade from the card player in the D-District Prison is called the “Character Report” and the upgrade from Magician Joker is called the “GF Report”.

The individual reports give you access to the following statistics:

Meter Category Menu Item Statistics
Battle Report - Distance Walked
- Battles Fought
- Battles Won
- Battles Escaped
Character Report - Number of times each character was KO’d
- Number of enemies each character has killed
GF Report - Number of times each GF was KO’d
- Number of enemies each GF has killed

And that’s it! This report can be helpful for obtaining some of the trophies and achievements in the PlayStation 4 and Steam version of the game, but other than that, they are completely optional.