Strategy Guides and Walkthroughs
…for video games that no one plays anymore.

Wondering if there is some way to support me or the site?

First and foremost, the strategy guides on my website will always be 100% free. Please use them and share them as much as you’d like!

I have placed a few advertisements on each of the pages in the most inconspicuous areas that I could. These advertisements help support the costs of running the website (server and hosting fees), purchasing new equipment (screenshot and editing software), etc.

That being said, a few readers have asked if there is some way that they can support website. As I mentioned above, the website is 100% free, but any support that you can provide will go a long way towards helping me keep the site active and keep me doing what I love, which is writing and creating more video game strategy guides.

I have set up a Patreon account that can be used to help donate to the website if you wish. You can access it using the link below:

As always, thank you for visiting the site, and thank you in advance for supporting me and supporting!