
Main Street

The story continues in the town of Alexandria and you will now find yourself in control of a new character named Vivi (though he hasn’t officially been named in the game yet). Proceed south from the starting location.

The Alexandria title screen

The square with the large statue in the middle has a number of hidden items that you can find. The first is located in the left corner closest to the screen (shown in the screenshot below) which is a Zombie Card.

At the very back wall behind the statue is a Lizard Man Card. There is a Sahagin Card in the doorway on the back left side. The last item is a Potion located near the statue on the left side.

Vivi in the southern town square Vivi picking up items in southern Alexandria

Return to the previous screen where Vivi started off.

Continue up the pathway and you will run in to “Rat Kid”. On the left side of the screen are two hidden Potions. On the right side of this same pathway is a doorway which leads to the Residence of an NPC that is busy sewing.

Picking up the Potion on the left side of the alleyway

Check out the left side of the room to find a bed with 9 gil hidden near the baseboard. We just started the game and we’re already stealing from the city’s peasants!

There is another Potion located near the table on the main floor. Finally, there is a Fang Card located in the drawers up on the second floor. Exit the Residence back onto the street and proceed north to the next area.

Vivi on the second floor of the residence

A quick scene will take place involving some nobles from Treno. Search the bushes near the camera view on the right side to find 33 gil. The bushes on the left contain a Goblin Card.

Further down the street in Alexandria

Enter the Tavern/Pub on the far side of the screen. The wall on the left side of the room has 27 gil hidden on the floor.

The barrel in the bottom left corner of the room contains a Flan Card and the barrel on the bottom right side contains another Potion. Go back out onto the street and continue to the left.

Vivi in the Pub/Tavern

Enter the Item Shop on the right side of the screen. You can find 38 gil lying on the ground near the corner closest to the camera. Go back out and head north to find the Town Square.

38 gil stashed in the Item Shop

There isn’t much that you can do in the Town Square just yet. Start off by examining the Ticket Booth and speaking to the Ticketmaster. Show the Ticketmaster your ticket and he will explain that it is a fake ticket. He will give you a Goblin Card, Fang Card and a Skeleton Card to make you feel better.

Turning in the Ticket at the Ticket Booth

Now let’s begin gathering all of the items in this area. Head to the back portion of the square to find Hippaul standing on the right near the guards. On the opposite side of the pathway, near the cart wheel, is a Phoenix Pinion.

Phoenix Pinion hidden behind a cart

Enter the Synthesis Shop on the farthest-right side of the screen. There is a hidden Ether on the right side of the room.

Hidden Ether in the Synthesis Shop

You can choose to jump rope with the three girls on the left side of the square. The “Jumping Rope Minigame” (if you can call it that) is fairly easy once you get the timing down.

Ignore everything except for the exclamation point over Vivi’s head which tells you exactly when you need to jump. The prizes are not all that impressive:

Vivi completing the jump rope mini game

Proceed down the alley to the left after you have finished in the Square to continue the story.

Walking down the alleyway and meeting Rat Kid


Proceed down the alleyway and Vivi will trip which will cause Dante the Signmaker to come down and scream at him. Rat Kid will make a return shortly after and will ask you about your fake ticket. It does not matter which response you select to his question.

Rat Kid will offer to help you watch the show if you become his slave. Again, it does not matter which choice you select when prompted. Follow Rat Kid into the next area to continue.

Meeting Rat Kid for the first time

By the Steeple

Enter the house on the left before you make your way down to the Steeple. On the left side of the room you will find some Eye Drops hiding in the corner. Go into the Steeple (which looks like a large church) and search the right side of the room to find a Potion.

Vivi on Steeple Road

There is also a Tent located just to the left of the entrance to the Steeple. Climb the ladder in the center of the room up to the bell tower and choose to “Pull [the] rope” when you reach the top. Doing so will reveal Hippaul’s treasure (an Ironite Card, Goblin Card and Fang Card).

Vivi entering the Alexandria Steeple

Make your way back to the Alley and through on back to the Square. Then return to the Alley once more to find Rat Kid again. Speak to him and choose to become his slave this time when he asks you (by selecting “Alright”).

Rat Kid giving Vivi his first assignment as a slave

Rat Kid will have you stand watch for him. Tell him that it is all clear and he will steal the ladder and proceed back towards the Steeple. Try to go up the ladder and you will be ambushed by a Moogle named Kupo.

Meeting Kupo the Moogle in Alexandria

Moogles are responsible for saving your progress throughout Final Fantasy IX in their “Moogle diary”. They are also involved in a side quest involving mail called Mognet.

Speak to Kupo before you proceed up the ladder to have him give you a brief explanation of the side quest - but you can check the Mognet Central side quest section for more information. Save your progress before you continue and then proceed up the ladder. Make sure you ask Kupo for the letter that he wants delivered to Monty!

Follow Rat Kid across the wooden planks to cross the rooftops. There is a chimney on the second rooftop, towards the bottom-left side of the screen, that you can examine to pick up 29 gil.

Vivi on the rooftops of Alexandria

You will be given the opportunity to name the character you are in control of as you approach the next rooftop. As mentioned on the previous page, this guide will continue to refer to each character by their default name, therefore it is suggested that you leave this character’s name as “Vivi”.

Travel across the wooden planks to the right of where Rat Kid, now identified as “Puck”, was previously standing by walking around the platform and down the stairs. On the far right side of the screen is another chimney that you can examine to find 63 gil.

Alexandria Castle lit up during the performance

There is one last chimney towards the top-left side of the screen that has 92 gil hiding in it. Travel over to where Puck is standing (top-right side of the screen) to continue into the next area.

Rat Kid and Vivi enjoying the performance

“I Want to Be Your Canary” Performance

There are a few short cutscenes before the next boss battle against King Leo, though this battle is entirely for show. You only have the option to use either a regular attack or use the “SFX” command which does not do any damage but serves to entertain the crowd.

Steiner watching Queen Brahne and Princess Garnet

Don’t waste your time attacking the two Zeneros standing beside the King.

Battle during I Want to Be Your Canary

Zidane and Blank will be involved in a short sword battle scene following the fight with King Leo. Follow along with Blank’s commands and try to impress as many nobles as you can. You will receive the following prizes based on how well you do:

You can attempt this as many times as you would like. You will obtain up to 10,000 gil as well once you are finished. The rewards listed above can be obtained slightly further into the game.

Sword battle between Zidane and Blank

The game continues inside Alexandria Castle once the sword fight has concluded.