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Returning to Mideel

This is the second visit to Mideel. If this is your first time to Mideel and you are currently searching for Cloud you should check out the walkthrough of the first visit to Mideel.

Cid at the entrance to Mideel

Return back to the clinic to talk to Tifa and Cloud. The ground will start to rumble and Cid and his team will be thrown into battle against Ultimate Weapon.

Cid in the Mideel clinic
Ultimate Weapon
Boss Battle
Boss Battle against Ultimate Weapon in Mideel

HP: Runs away after a certain amount of hits
Reward: None

The battle against Ultimate Weapon is one of endurance. Ultimate Weapon has 100,000 HP but the goal of this fight is not to defeat the boss but to last long enough for Ultimate Weapon to flee the battle which happens after several turns.

Use Big Guard from your Enemy Skill Materia and Regen off your Restore Materia if you have leveled it high enough.

Make sure that you steal a Curse Ring during the battle as this accessory is particularly rare.

Ultimate Weapon in Mideel

A video demonstration of this battle is included below for reference:

The next section of the game includes a heavy amount of dialogue.

Cloud and Tifa in Mideel

Lifestream Sequence (Cloud’s Subconsciousness)

You will regain control of Tifa in a dream world surrounded by images of Cloud. The first Cloud you should speak to is the one sitting in front of the image of Nibelheim at the back of the screen.

Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream dream sequence

The next Cloud to speak to is the one standing near the well on the left side of the screen.

Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream dream sequence

Speak to the Cloud on the lower right side of the screen next. Follow Cloud back to Nibelheim and walk towards the town.

Everyone’s waiting for this part of the game to end


Just travel back to the Operations room to maneuver things around and then speak to the Learner Pilot when you are ready to go.

Cloud in the Operations Room of the Highwind

The next stop is back at Junon to explore the Underwater Reactor.

Cloud at the head of the Highwind