Wild Malboro
Bestiary entry from the Clan Primer:
Bestiary Observations
“Being a mutant Form of Malboro, one of the few remaining in the Feywood, distinguished by its foul Breath which is several Times more rank than that of the typical Malboro.
Generally regarded as a Threat to the delicate Balance of Life in the Wood, the Viera have watched it with great Disapproval.
Viera Warriors have attempted its Extermination several Times, but were foiled by their own acute Sense of Smell (a considerable Disadvantage in such a Fight), and so a Bill was posted.”
(Nothing) |
Common - (55%) | Malboro Flower |
Uncommon - (10%) | Foul Liquid |
Rare - (3%) | Virgo Gem |
(Nothing) |
* Wild Malboro is the Mark for Hunt 29. Check out the Hunt 29: A Wild Stench Hunt page for more information.