Abilities List
The abilities that your characters can use depend on the role that they are in or, in the case of passive and synthesized abilities, it depends on what equipment they have on. Use the links below to learn more about the different types of abilities in the game:
Commando Abilities
A full list of abilities that can be unlocked in the Commando Crystarium.
Ravager Abilities
A full list of abilities that can be unlocked in the Ravager Crystarium.
Sentinel Abilities
A full list of abilities that can be unlocked in the Sentinel Crystarium.
Saboteur Abilities
A full list of abilities that can be unlocked in the Saboteur Crystarium.
Synergist Abilities
A full list of abilities that can be unlocked in the Synergist Crystarium.
Non-Role Based Abilities
Passive Abilities (Accessories)
A full list of abilities that come attached to accessories that you equip to your characters.
Passive Abilities (Weapons)
A full list of abilities that come attached to weapons that you equip to your characters.
Synthesized Abilities
These special abilities can be unlocked be equipping certain combinations of equipment.