This mask can only be obtained if you go to North Clock Town on the first Night at 12:00. An old lady will come out of the North Gate and walk along the path and when she gets to a certain point, the game will go into video mode. Sakon (A thief from Ikana) will steal the bag on her back. Just run over to Sakon and hit him with your sword. He will drop the bag and run out of the screen. The lady will then give you the Explosion Mask. Then, go to the curiosity shop at 10:00 on the final night and you may buy the All-Night Mask for 500 rupees. (PS: To get a wallet that holds 500 rupees, you have to beet the Gold Skulltula house out at the ocean)
What it does:
This mask will allow you to listen to Anju’s Grandmother (in the stock pot inn) and you may listen to her stories. When you have the mask, you will not fall asleep and at the end off the story she will quiz you and upon getting one of her questions right, she’ll give you a piece of heart. (PS: You can do that with both of the Grandmothers stories)
Bremen Mask
How to get it:
This mask is obtained at night, in Clock Town, near the laundry pool. To get there, go to South Clock Town and look for a ramp (not stairs) go up it and turn right and enter. All you have to do then is talk to the guy playing the little jukebox thing. Listen to his story and he will give you the Bremen Mask, his story also tells you what it does and how he got it.
What it does:
This mask allows you to press B to sing a marching song. This song will cause animals to mistake you for there leader and will follow you. If you go to Romani Ranch and enter the chicken house, a bunch of baby chicks will be wandering around. The guy there wants to see his chicks grow up before the Moon crashes into the earth. Sing the song and collect all the chicks. When you have them all they will turn into Cuccos and the man will give you the Bunny Hood.
Bunny Hood
How to get it:
This mask can only be obtained if you have the Bremens Mask. March around pressing B to round up all the chicks in the chicken house at Romani Ranch. After you have all the baby chicks in your line (by touching each one) they will evolve, turning into Cuccos. The man will then be so happy that he will give you the Bunny Hood.
What it does:
This mask doesn’t really do anything, it is not necessary to have and isn’t need to do anything important in the game. But what it does do is really cool. This mask allows you to run really, really fast. That’s all it really does, but in the end it could come in really handy for saving time, when you’ve got none.
Captain’s Hat
How to get it:
This mask can only be obtained if you have Epona, Link’s horse. Head towards Ikana Canyon (to the east) and stop after you have jumped the two fences (while riding Epona). Turn to the left, jump up the ledge and follow the path. You will eventually end up in Ikana Grave Yard. Go up to the house at the very end and stand in front of that wall that looks like a skull / face. Play the “Sonata of Awakening" and he will ask you to follow him. You have to catch up to him and hit him with your sword. It’s easiest if you have the Bunny Hood. Use it and defeat the two enemies that come out and proceed up the hill until you hit him. Then you will enter a battle with him. He will explain to you that he wants you to tell his soldiers that the war is over. Did I mention you need the Hook Shot to Grapple across to the treasure chest he opens to get the mask?
What it does:
The Captains Hat allows you to talk to StalKids, little skeletons that wander around the Graveyard and the ocean Skulltula House. They will help you find hidden things and such, but talking to Dampe (the Grave Keeper) will cause him to go screaming and running back into his house.
Circus Leader’s Mask
How to get it:
You need to have Deku Link, Goron Link and Zora Link as well as the Romani Mask in order to enter the bar. Go to the Milk Bar Latte (at night) on either the first or second day. Talk to the Zora guy standing there. He will ask you to help him with his test (sound). Once he tells you the notes, talk to him again as either a Deku, Zora or Goron. Once you have played your music as each, all the songs you played will form a song called “Ballad of the Wind fish” (from the Game Boy game Link’s Awakening). The guy sitting at the bar will insult your music each time until the last one when you play the full song. Then he remembers why he entered show business and he gives you the Circus Leaders Mask as a thank you.
What it does:
I don’t know for sure, but I’ve been told that this mask will stop the two bandits on the horse chase, when getting the milk to the Milk Bar Latte. Rather useless, since you have already done that by this point in the game.
Couples Mask
How to get it:
Getting the Couples Mask is long and complicated, so lets get started. At the beginning of the first day play the double Song of Time to speed up to the first night. Then go to the Stock Pot Inn. Put on Kafei’s Mask and talk to Anju. She’ll tell you to meet her in the kitchen at 11:30. Go outside and find the Deku flower, hop on it and use it to fly onto the roof of the Stock Pot Inn. Go to the Kitchen and wait. When Anju comes, talk to her and she’ll give you a letter. Then take the letter out to the mailbox. Then play the double Song of Time twice.
Make your way to the laundry pool where the jukebox guy is, cross the bridge and go to the door. When you go inside you’ll find Kafei who will give you a pendant. Go back and give it to Anju. Then head towards Ikana canyon and go up to Sakons Hide out (To get there, go east of Ikana up river (but not in the river (too many brackets))) When you get there, you’ll find an “unbreakable defense wall" and two small log-like blocks near it. Go stand behind those blocks. Play the double Song of Time until the night of the last day. You should see Kafei hiding there as well. Talk to him and he’ll explain what he’s doing. Wait behind the two rocks until the game goes into video mode and Sakon Enters the hideout. Kafei should run in after him and that’s what you do too - follow them. Once inside you’ll have to play a game. Do it fast, or you’ll lose Kafei’s Sun Mask. When he gets it, he will run off, trying to make it to Anju before the moon crashes into the earth. Go back to clock town and go into the Stock Pot Inn. In the room you couldn’t ever get to before, you’ll find Anju. Wait for Kafei to come running in and the game will go into video mode. In the end, you’ll witness them get married and they’ll give you the Couples Mask.
What it does:
At twelve o’clock, go to the Mayors office and enter the mayors room (where the argument was) wearing the Couples Mask. The men will realize that they should stop the fighting and the mayor will thank you for “ending a long meeting”. He will give you a heart piece as a reward for your troubles…
Deku Mask
How to get it:
It’s not “how to get it” so much as it’s how you “Get rid of it”. You start the game wearing this mask. To get it off you need to: 1) Find a lost fairy in the town 2) Talk to Bill in North Clock Town. 3) Destroy his balloon-type craft. 4) Find all his friends and touch them within the time limit. 5) Receive and use the code at the clubhouse entrance in East Clock Town. 6) Use the sewer passage way to get to the observatory. 7) Look through the telescope at the top of the observatory. 8) Find the Skull Kid. 9) Watch the Moon Stone fall to the earth. 10) Go out and grab it. 11) Take it to the Deku business guy in South Clock Town. 12) Fly up and get inside the clock.
Then watch the video, get your Ocarina and play the Song of Time, which is taught to you by Zelda. You will go back to the first day. Then talk to the mask guy inside the clock and he will teach you the “Song of Healing”. The mask pops off.
What it does:
The Deku Mask will transform you into a Deku Scrub, which is a character with completely different moves. You need him to complete certain things in the game. But that’s all I’m gonna say.
Don Gero’s Mask
How to get it:
The Don Gero’s Mask is obtained from a Goron who is “stuck up on a ledge”. You can find him in the mountain village. You need to throw him a rock/food to get his mask. The rock is found in the Goron Shrine after you light all the torches. The Lanterns at the top will start spinning (you have to be a Goron) and do the rolling attack of the ramp on the second floor. Then aim for the lanterns and after hitting one of them, a rock will fall. Carry the rock to Don Gero (the Goron on the ledge) He will thank you and reward you with the mask.
What it does:
This mask will allow you to call frogs into the mountains where Don Gero used to be (on the lily pads). When you call them all they will “sing" and will reward you with a heart piece.
Explosion Mask
How to get it:
Refer to the All-Night Mask.
What it does:
This Mask is like putting a Bomb on your face and telling it when to explode It takes off some of your health and takes time to regenerate. If your out of bombs, use this. It’s not as powerful as a powdered keg though.
Garo’s Mask
How to get it:
Getting the Garo’s Mask requires Epona and you need to be good at riding her. Go to Milk Road (the road before Romani Ranch) and take a left. You will find the Ingo brothers there; ask them to race. If you beat them, they’ll give you the Garo’s Mask.
What it does:
This mask allows you to see the Garo’s in Ikana Canyon. They will challenge you to a battle and will tell you secrets (much like a stone of truth) that will help you progress through Ikana. It is also required to get to Ikana canyon.
Giant’s Mask
How to get it:
The Giant’s Mask is obtained in the Stone Tower Temple. The last of the four temples. It is needed to beat the game because you have to have it for the boss. You cannot get to the boss without coming across this mask. Unless you have some sort of problem about not opening chest that appears right in front of you. You get it after defeating one of the regular enemies that blocked the path.
What it does:
The Giant’s Mask will turn you into a giant. In order to beat the final boss (two giant snake things) you’ll have to be big. It requires magic power and cannot be used in any other room in the game. Link turns really huge, not an adult, just a bigger size. The only way to get adult link is with the Onilink Mask.
Gibdo Mask
How to get it:
To get this mask you must have the Song of Storms. This mask is required to beat the game. In order to get the Song of Storms you have to go to the Ikana Graveyard at night and talk to the Stalchild’s circling the grave. They will open it for you (on the first day) and you can go inside. At the end of the small dungeon you’ll obtain the song. Then go to the Town of Ikana and follow that dark area where the river should be.
At the far back of Ikana is a cave. If you enter it you’ll find a guy who for some reason wants to kill you. He says he’ll play a “song of death" which will slowly start taking away your health. Play the Song of Storms and the game will go into video mode. The river will begin to flow and the jukebox house will turn back on, killing all the zombies. Go stand outside the house and make sure your far enough away that when the little girl walks out she will not see you. Then after she walks away go inside the house. Go downstairs and open the closet. You will find a half man, half Gibdo guy. Play the Song of Healing to heal him. The mask will fall of his head and it’s yours to keep.
What it does:
When you where this mask the Gibdo’s (the zombies that were circling the little girls house) will think you are one of them. This enables you to talk to them. You need this in the well because each zombie will ask you for an item and at the end of the well you will find the Mirror Shield.
Goron Mask
How to get it:
To get this mask you need to have the Lens of Truth. To get the Lens of Truth, go near the Goron Shrine up in the mountains area. You have to find the owl. When you see him, talk to him and he will tell you to “trust your instincts" and follow him across what looks like a cliff. His feathers drop onto invisible platforms that you can jump onto. Jump across them quickly before the feathers disappear. When you get to the cave at the end, you shall obtain the Lens of Truth. Then use it near where you found the owl and you will see a Goron ghost there. He will not believe that you can see him when you talk to him, so he will ask you to follow him. After you follow him to his destination there will be an invisible ladder use the Lens of Truth to see it. At the top he will ask you to heal his pain. When you play the Song of Healing he will leave you with the Goron Mask.
What it does:
This mask will turn you into a Goron. You need to be a Goron in order to obtain the “Goron’s Lullaby”. Go to the area just before you get to the frozen over Goron Village and start rolling around as a Goron and bash through the snow piles on the ground. In one of them you’ll find a frozen over Goron. Use the spring water (found at Darmani’s Grave when your a Goron - go behind it and pull it back to release the water) to revive him and he’ll teach you the first part of the “Goron’s Lullaby”. You should no what to do from there. If you don’t read the bottom of the page.
Great Fairy’s Mask
How to get it:
The Great Fairy’s Mask can be obtained after you have found both of the fairies in Clock Town. When you have returned them both the Great Fairy in Clock Town will give you the Great Fairy’s Mask.
What it does:
This hair on this mask will shimmer when you are in the same room as a fairy in any of the dungeons. When wearing this mask the freed fairies will no longer be afraid of you. They will come to you like a fly going to a fresh pile of dung.
Kamaro’s Mask
How to get it:
This mask is found near the North Mountains. Go there at twelve at night and you’re looking for Kamaro on one of the Mushroom shaped rocks. You can get on to these rocks by jumping off the upper ledge. You can hear Kamaro playing his song from a distance. That’s when you know your close.
What it does:
This mask will allow you to do Kamaro’s dance. You can do this dance when your wearing the mask by pressing B. The dance looks kinda funny, but if you remember, there is someone else who does another crazy dance. It’s the Rosa Sisters. They dance at night. All you have to do is show them that dance by dancing in front of them. They will love you for it and will reward you with a heart piece.
Kafei’s Mask
How to get it:
Getting Kafei’s Mask is the easiest in the game. All you have to do is talk to Kafei’s Mother. The Mayors Wife (Kafei’s Mother) is located in the Mayor’s office. Talk to her and she’ll ask you to look for her son.
What it does:
This masks will let others know that you are searching for Kafei. Talk to Anju. She knows something. (She runs the Stock Pot Inn).
Keaton Mask
How to get it:
To get this mask you must do all the steps you did to get the couples mask, but instead of going to Ikana, to go after Kafei, you should wait until 5:00 on the final day and go back into the laundry pool. The curiosity shop guy will be there and he will tell you that Kafei went chasing after Sakon and then he will give you Keaton’s Mask and he will also give you a letter. Kafei wrote this letter and he wants you to give it to his mom.
What it does:
You can use this mask to summon Keaton. If you’ve looked around, you might have noticed some bushes that move when you hit one of them. Well, if you’re wearing the Keaton Mask, a Keaton will be summoned there. One of the most popular locations is in North Clock Town. Just go there and slice on of the bushes. Keaton will appear. He will ask you questions and here is what they are:
What color of trunks does Tingle the Mapmaker wear? RED Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk? MILK BAR How many Cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch? ONE How many tiny cow figurines are there in Clock Town? TEN How many cows are there at Romani Ranch? THREE What is the name of the festival held in Clock Town? CARNIVAL OF TIME What is the name given to you by the girl at Romani Ranch? GRASS HOPPER What is the name of Anju’s Father? TORTUS How many balloons does the girl at Romani Ranch use during her practice? ONE What weapon does the girl at Romani Ranch use in practice? BOW What are the magic words created by Tingle? KOO-LOO LIMPA Once it’s completed, how tall will the festival tower be? FOUR STORIES What bad habit does Anju, the inn keeper have? SHE’S QUICK TO APOLOGIZE What is Anju, the inn keeper, bad a doing? COOKING At what time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, wake up? SIX O’CLOCK What is the name of the song that Romani teaches you? EPONA’S SONG Who’s the leader of the Bombers gang? JIM What time does the girl at Romani Ranch go to sleep at? EIGHT What instrument does the Skull Kid play? FLUTE Mikau is of what race? ZORA Darmani is of what race? GORON
Mask of Truth
How to get it:
This mask is simply obtained by finding all thirty of the Golden Skulltula’s in the first Gold Skulltula house. It’s located near the Deku Palace and to finish it you will need to have beans, a hook shot and a few bottles so you can bottle the bugs there. If you need more help with this Skulltula house read the bottom of the page.
What it does:
This mask does exactly what it did in Ocarina of Time, it allows you to talk to the gossip stones, the stones that “peer into your soul”. They will tell you hints about the game. This mask will also allow you talk to animals. Animals reveal weird things about the game but you can also use this effect to cheat in the dog races.
Onilink - Fierce Deity Mask
How to get it:
This mask is the most difficult to obtain. In order to receive it you must have every mask and you must also have beaten all of the dungeons and freed all the giants. Go to the top of the Clock Tower on the final day and play the Song of Order to the Skull Kid wearing the Majora’s Mask. Watch the video. You will end up inside the moon. What you have to do is talk to the four kids running around the trees, give them the masks they ask for (you’ll get them back) and find them in there worlds. Once you have found each one of them in there levels, talk to the kid sitting down next to the tree, wearing the Majora’s Mask. He will end up giving you the Fierce Deity’s Mask because he “wants to play good guy bad guy" and the super power of the mask will turn you into a bad guy. This mask has awesome powers.
What it does:
This mask turns you into adult Link, Onilink. Onilink can use no items at all but he has the sweetest looking sword ever and when you Z target an enemy and swing your sword, a burst of magic comes shooting out. It cost hardly any magic at all but it hurts the enemy a lot. When you use this mask, which can only be used in a boss room, it will make the final boss disappointedly easy. But I still really like the way Onilink looks. He’s white and his eyes are pure white, with no pupil. He’s totally worth all the work.
Postman’s Mask
How to get it:
This mask is obtained from the postman. You do everything necessary to Kafei’s Quest, only you have to take the letter that Kafei wrote to his mother and take it to the Postman. He will immediately deliver it and then he will exit the Milk Bar Latte (where Kafei’s mother was). Talk to him and he’ll say he doesn’t want to be the Postman any more. He’ll give you his hat and run off.
What it does:
This mask will allow you to look inside the mailboxes in Clock Town, one of which will hold a piece of heart. All the others hold a single rupee…(aka garbage)
Romani Mask
How to get it:
This mask is given to you by Cremia because she thinks your like a grown up to her. You have to get into Romani Ranch on the first day by blowing up the rock blocking the path with a Powdered Keg. Talk to Romani, the little girl and she will ask you to help her at night. She wants you to help her defend the cows from aliens. Go there at the time she mentions.
The best way to complete this is to have your max number of arrows already and not to be on the horse (which Romani had just given you). You should stand where Romani used to be, so you can get a clear view of all the aliens. You have to watch out for the ones that will come from behind the house. There is another spot which is on the house. Climb the ladder at the back the house, to get there.
When your done go into the house and talk to Cremia, the older one. She’ll ask you to meet her outside. Go with her and she’ll lead you in her caravan. Soon she will be attacked by bandits. You will have to defend her cart from the bandits using your bow. Just don’t let them catch up to you. You have unlimited shots, so don’t spare any. She’ll thank you in the end by rewarding you with the Romani Mask.
What it does:
This mask will allow you to enter into the Milk Bar Latte at night. There are people in there which you will need to meet later in the game, so it is a very useful mask to have.
Mask of Scents
How to get it:
This mask is obtained from the race you can do after defeating the first temple. When you return the Deku Princess to her father, she will tell you to go to the left, outside the palace. A Deku Guy will be there and he will tell you to follow him. Having the Bunny Hood really helps here. Follow him through his maze and you will be rewarded with the Mask of Scents if you reach the end in time.
What it does:
This mask allows you to see scents. A purple musk will appear when there is a scent to be seen. Particularly in the Lost Woods, there are mushrooms all around. Bottle one and take it to the Hag in the Potion shop. That’s what she needs to make the blue potion. You will need the Blue Potion in the well. One of the Gibdo’s will ask you for it.
Stone Mask
How to get it:
To obtain the Stone Mask you must have the Lens of Truth and Epona. Head towards Ikana canyon, with Epona and after you’ve jumped the second fence, stop and get off your horse. You will see a circle of stones. Use your Lens of Truth to find an injured soldier there. He will ask you for a red potion. Give it to him and he will reward you with the Stone Mask.
What it does:
This mask supposedly allows you to “sneak away unnoticed" although I have never seen it do anything unusual. If you find out what to do or how to use this mask e-mail me. My address is on the contact page.
Zora’s Mask
How to get it:
This mask can only be found if you have Epona. You have to get to the ocean by jumping all the fences blocking the path. Once there you will find a guy who cannot get to the shore because he has lost all his energy. Push him to the shore. He will sing his song to you, then you have to play the Healing Song to him. His soul will “be set free”. He will turn into a mask which you can then wear to become Zora Link, which will actually put you in the form of the Indigo-go’d guitarist.
What it does:
This mask will allow you to swim through the water like a missile. It will take a while to get used to the Star Fox 64 like controls, but you’ll get the hang of it, sooner or later. You will need to go to the Zora Hall to figure out what your to do next and the only way to get there is to be a Zora.