Crystal Knight

Bestiary entry from the Clan Primer:

Crystal Knight Clan Primer image


Skull Trophy

This creature always drops a trophy when it is defeated. This trophy is used in the Hunt Club side quest which involves trading in the trophies for items, armor and accessories.


Common - (55%) Glimmering Robes
Uncommon - (10%) (Nothing)
Rare - (3%) (Nothing)




* The Crystal Knight will only appear once you have initiated the Hunt Club side quest. In order to spawn it, you must travel to A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra and completing a circle around to Sthaana Sagittarius before returning to A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra as shown in the picture below:

Map of where to find the Crystal Knight in Final Fantasy XII

Use the full map of the Great Crystal if you have trouble finding this spot within the Great Crystal.