Bestiary entry from the Clan Primer:
Bestiary Observations
“Being a Variety of the Dragon Aevis with scaled of an exceedingly hard Nature.
The material of these Scales is known for its Smoothness and Durability, as well as its surpassing Lightness.
Though normally given to lurking in Mountain Passes and the like during Rutting season the Wyrm expands its Range and becomes rather Hostile. A Victim of the Creature’s attacks, one Viera Wayfarer, posted a Bill for this Mark.”
(Nothing) |
Common - (55%) | Spiral Incisor |
Uncommon - (10%) | Charger Barding |
Rare - (3%) | Leo Gem |
(Nothing) |
* Vyraal is the Mark for Hunt 21. Check out the Hunt 21: Get My Stuff Back! Hunt page for more information.