The Skycity of Bhujerba
Sage Knowledge 53 of 78
“An autonomous city-state found on the sky continent of Dorstonis. Originally formed as a Magicite mining colony with the advent of airship travel. The Magicite mines of the skylands are superior to the crystal mines on the surface in both quantity and quality of ore, and Bhujerba developed quickly on fortunes born of rock.
During the years of the Galtean Alliance, the Ondore family took over much of the daily business of Bhujerba’s governance, a rule which continues to this day. Their neutral stance during the Archadian invasion two years ago positioned them as mediators of the peace negotiations that followed.
Like much of Dorstonis, Bhujerba is a city of hills and sloping boulevards. Merchants houses and shops are clustered near the peaks, while residences are found in the valleys. At the very bottom of the hills lies the network of crystalline shafts known as the Lhusu Mines.
Many visitors come to Bhujerba to enjoy the open-air parks with spectacular views only available to those who live in the sky. Very rarely does anyone fall from the skycity, and curiously enough, not a single death has been reported to have resulted from such an occurrence to date.”

Speak to Balthier in the Aerodrome when you are ready to leave Rabanastre and fly to Bhujerba. There are a few cutscenes as Vaan boards the Strahl airship for the first time with Balthier, Fran and Basch.

Travica Way
There is another short cutscene involving Penelo and Ba’Gamnan before the Strahl lands in the Skycity of Bhujerba. Vaan starts off in the Aerodrome – walk out the front doors for another cutscene.

This one involves Balthier talking about the Lhusu Mines and new character named Lamont (which is an obviously fake name) joining your party as a guest.
Travel to the top of the stairs on the east side of the city to find a Moogle from the Cartographer’s Guild. Speak to him and purchase both of the maps that he is selling: the map of Bhujerba and the map of the Lhusu Mines.

The shops in the Skycity of Bhujerba sell nearly the same items as those in Rabanastre. You should make sure that you have purchased the Libra Technick and make sure that one of your characters, likely Vaan, has used enough License Points to be able to use that technique (or make sure that it is the first move that he learns when you enter the Lhusu Mines later on if he has not learned it yet).
Purchase the “Self” Gambit from Bashketi’s Gambits shop. You should also purchase Silence,
Vox and
Disable Magick from Mait’s Magick shop (in the original PS2 version of the game). The majority of Bhujerba is blocked off by Imperial Guards so there isn’t too much to explore at this point.
Travel northeast to Lhusu Square and save your game at the Save Crystal.

Travel down into the Lhusu Mines when you are ready to continue.

(Click on the map to enlarge)