Chapter 6: The Sunleth Waterscape (Part 2)

Riparian Corridor

The walkthrough for the Sunleth Waterscape is broken up into two parts. The first part covers everything up to the cutscenes at Lake Shayra before the weather switches are available. If you have not yet reached the weather switches in the Sunleth Waterscape, click on the link to move back to Part 1.

Primer for the Climate Control Orbs

Rain-spotted Vale

Map of Rain-spotted Vale in the Sunleth Waterscape for Chapter 06

As Sazh and Vanille enter this next area a quick cinematic will play demonstrating how the Climate Control Orbs in the Rain-spotted Vale area work. This gimmick is straightforward though because the enemies that you will face will change depending on whether it is sunny or stormy out and pressing the XButton near the orbs will modulate the precipitation.

Vanille staring at one of the Climate Control Orbs in the Sunleth Waterscape

In some areas, you will face easier enemies in the sun, while in others areas, you will face easier enemies in the rain, but this strategy guide will present a path that makes sure you encounter all the different enemy types. This will ensure that you not only collect all the available treasure and spoils, but you can complete the Datalog with all the Enemy Intel entries. There are a few enemies that can only be found in this area so it’s important not to speed through this area too quickly.

Leave the weather set to rain, which it should already be set to following the cinematic, and confront the group of enemies just up ahead. This is the first new enemy that you’ll face in this area called a Mud Frog that you will want to use Libra on to complete the Enemy Intel section.

Mud Frogs are similar to Hedge Frogs except that they can summon more Hedge Frogs to join them in battle when they use a move called “Courtship Dance”. Focus your attacks on them first and ignore any Hedge Frogs that join the battle.

Battle against a group of Mudfrogs

Proceed to the next Climate Control Orb, and switch the weather to sunny, then take the pathway leading to the right at the fork in the road. There will be a group of Flandragoras up here that you can easily get a preemptive strike on, and you are already familiar with these enemies. Open the Treasure Sphere to pick up a Metal Armband and then defeat the next group of Flandragoras just up ahead.

Casting Fira on a group of Flandragoras

As you continue along the path you will see a gigantic enemy up ahead called a Wyvern. The general idea behind the Climate Control Orbs is that, rather than facing off against a large and challenging foe, you would just switch the weather to make an easier enemy appear. To fill out the Enemy Intel screen though, let’s work our way down and engage the Wyvern in a battle (using the tips below).

Vanille running towards a Wyvern just up ahead in the Sunleth Waterscape

The battle against the Wyvern can be made much easier by starting the battle in the Tide Turner paradigm (Vanille as a Saboteur and Sazh as a Synergist). While Sazh is casting his buffs, use the Libra technique on the Wyvern twice to fully complete the Enemy Intel entry in the Datalog, and then have Vanille cast some debuffs on the Wyvern (Poison, Deprotect and Deshell). Switch to War & Peace if you need to heal and then shift between Slash & Burn and Dualcasting until you’re able to Stagger the Wyvern and defeat it.

Battle against a Wyvern

There is another split pathway just up ahead. Take the left pathway and defeat the group of three Flandragoras blocking the way to a Treasure Sphere. Open the Treasure Sphere after you’ve defeated them to pick up an Aqua Ring.

The next group of enemies up ahead looks like a group of Gremlins, which you are already familiar with, but it’s a mixed group of Gremlins and Garchimacera. Make sure you use the Libra technique on a Garchimacera two times to complete the Enemy Intel entry in the Datalog and, with that, you should have a fully complete Enemy Intel section.

Battle against a Gremlin

Now backtrack to the Climate Control Orb and switch the weather back to rainy so that you don’t have to face off against a second Wyvern which is located just up ahead. Jump across the platform, running past the group of Garchimacera with a Scalebeast, and jump down to the other side to face off against a group of Gremlins with one Garchimacera.

Approaching the Scalebeast with some Garchimacera enemies

There’s one last group of Mud Frogs to defeat before you can climb the cliff towards the Save Station.

Hemmed in Stone

Map of Rain-spotted Vale in the Sunleth Waterscape for Chapter 06

Make sure to save your game in preparation for an upcoming boss battle and take the following steps to prepare:

  1. Switch your active paradigm to Tide Turner (Vanille as a Saboteur and Sazh as a Synergist).
  2. Equip both Sazh and Vanille with accessories that resist lightning and water-based magic. Vanille can only equip one accessory, so have her equip a Spark Ring, while Sazh can equip two, so have him equip a Spark Ring and an Aqua Ring.
Boss Battle: Enki and Enlil
Opening cinematic against Enki and Enlil

These two bosses can pump out a heavy amount of damage so be ready to heal by swapping to the War & Peace paradigm at a moment’s notice. Use Libra on both Enki and Enlil as soon as the battle begins, and this will identify that both are susceptible to Poison.

Starting the battle in the Tide Turner paradigm will allow Sazh to load up beneficial buffs on Vanille and himself. After using Libra, and identifying the weakness to Poison, use “Auto-hinder” as Vanille and she will begin throwing Poison spells at both Enki and Enlil until they stick. Getting these debuffs up and active early will help deal an incredibly high amount of damage to the two creatures throughout the fight.

Vanille casting Poison as a Saboteur against Enki and Enlil

After inflicting Poison, Vanille should move over to casting Deprotect and Deshell on your main target which should be Enlil. Enlil has less HP compared to Enki which will make it easier to take down. Don’t worry about having Vanille cast Deprotect or Deshell on Enki just yet as, by the time you switch the focus of your attacks from Enlil to Enki, you will need to recast these debuffs anyway.

Once the buffs and debuffs have been applied it’s just a matter of rotating between Slash & Burn, Dualcasting and, when you run low on health, War & Peace. Note that using the “Auto-heal” command as Vanille will quite often have her cast Cure on one party member repeatedly, but you can manually select the Cura spell which will provide a strong heal effect to both Vanille and Sazh at the same time.

The key moves and attacks to watch out for are “Bellow”, which provides several buffs to the boss that casts it, causing it to do quite a bit more damage, “Enrage”, and “Trample”. All these attacks will do significant damage to your party members so you may have to go on the defensive from time to time, even if one of the bosses is currently Staggered.

Once one of the bosses has been defeated switch back to the Tide Turner paradigm to reapply buffs and debuffs and then work on achieving a chain bonus and Stagger again. Use the video below for reference if you are having trouble. Good luck!


Travel up the pathway out of the gorge and consider removing any of the accessories that Sazh and Vanille currently have equipped.

Sazh and Vanille leaving the Sunleth Waterscape after defeating Enlil and Enki

Seabus Docks

There’s nothing to do in this area or the last area other than continue running forward. You are in for another lengthy set of cutscenes once you reach the docks before we return to Lightning and Hope who are about to enter Palumpolum.

Vanille running towards teh Seabus Docks following behind Sazh