Balfonheim Port

The last chapter of the game begins with a cutscene involving the team in the Port of Balfonheim in Southeastern Archades in the Reddas Manse.

Reddas explaining the next steps in his Manse in Balfonheim Port

Reddas will explain how the Marquis is training a resistance army in preparation for war. They will decide that they should head to Giruvegan in order to learn more about the Nethicite and its power.

Vaan speaking to Rikken in Balfonheim Port

The crew will arrive at the Balfonheim Port just outside of Reddas’ residence. Vaan will speak to three pirates on the port named Rikken, Elza and Raz before venturing off into the city.

Vaan in Saccio Lane in Balfonheim Port

There are a number of shops that you visit in town that have new weapons, armor, Technicks, Magicks and Gambits. All of the items are listed below:

6,000 gil
4,800 gil
5,000 gil
2,000 gil
1,500 gil
600 gil
400 gil

13,700 gil
13,500 gil
13,770 gil
13,500 gil
11,000 gil
10,000 gil
13,700 gil
12,100 gil
9,300 gil
11,850 gil
11,850 gil
11,700 gil
9,700 gil
12,600 gil

8,100 gil
8,100 gil
8,100 gil
8,100 gil
11,000 gil
9,600 gil
7,000 gil
7,000 gil
7,000 gil
7,000 gil
9,300 gil
9,300 gil
8,500 gil

5,200 gil
1,200 gil
1,000 gil
3,000 gil
3,000 gil
3,000 gil
800 gil
600 gil
800 gil
1,200 gil
300 gil
1,300 gil
600 gil
500 gil

520 gil
120 gil
400 gil
180 gil
50 gil
60 gil
80 gil
50 gil
50 gil
200 gil
50 gil
50 gil
50 gil
60 gil

7,700 gil
7,300 gil
7,000 gil
7,500 gil
7,000 gil
1,400 gil
6,800 gil

Make sure to buy all of the new Magicks that are available and buy at least one Power Armlet from the Leapin’ Bangaa. You should also buy a few X-Potions from the Leapin’ Bangaa while you’re there.

Head to the Whitecap and look for the Notice Board. There are a ton of new Hunts that you can obtain in the Whitecap:

  • Bill No. 19 for Darksteel
  • Bill No. 20 for Vyraal
  • Bill No. 21 for Lindwyrm
  • Bill No. 22 for Overlord
  • Bill No. 23 for Goliath
  • Bill No. 24 for Deathscythe
Notice Board in Balfonheim Port Whitecap

The last stop is in Sea Breeze Lane. Speak to the Moogle from the Cartographer’s Guild and buy the map of the Cerobi Steppe for 4,100 gil and the map of the Balfonheim Port for 80 gil. Save your game at the Save Crystal.

Cartographer’s Guild Moogle in Sea Breeze Lane in Balfonheim Port

You should take some time to venture out in to the Cerobi Steppes. An incredibly important Technick called Telekinesis can be found in the Old Elanise Road area and Cleanse Magick can be found in the Terraced Bank area near the center of the zone.

Map of Balfonheim Port

(Click on the map to enlarge)

Hunts and Side Quests

At this point in the game, there are a number of Hunts and side quests that can be completed. Travel back to Rabanastre and speak to Montblanc in the Clan Hall to pick up a few rewards along with a couple of other hunts that become available.

You should receive a reward for reaching another Clan level, a reward for defeating King Bomb (1,300 gil and a Mallet), defeating Ahriman (1,600 gil), the Mandragoras in the Sochen Cave Palace (1,600 gil) and for commanding 4 Espers (High Arcana and 2 Teleport Stones). There are two additional Elite Hunts available:

  • Priority Petition No. 8 for Ancient Man of Mystery
  • Priority Petition No. 9 for Belito

Before jumping into the Hunts though, you should initiate the Hunt Club side quest in case you encounter any rare enemies during the remainder of your travels. Check out the Hunt Club section for more information:

You should already have the hunt for Carrot. Let’s get started on some of the other Hunts now, but before attempting some of the newer ones that have become available, make sure that you are caught up and have completed all of the following Hunts by checking your Clan Primer:

Now to move on to the newly available Hunts and the Hunts that were likely too difficult to complete earlier in the game:

You can complete both of the following hunts in the same trip. Speak to both petitioners before you travel to the Necrohol of Nabudis.

The last Hunt to complete is:

Completing the Hunt to find Carrot will likely complete the Jovy side quest. This assumes that you’ve completed the following Hunts as well:

Check out the Jovy side quest page for more information:

This next Hunt can only be partially completed at this point; however, the rewards for completing the first half of the Hunt are definitely worth it.

There is one last Hunt to take care of:

Now it is time to move on to some side quests that can be completed. For starters, now that you have access to all of the Aerodromes, you can complete the “Ann’s Letter” side quest and you can also return to the Giza Plains to complete the Cockatrice Round-Up side quest now that you can reach the Balfonheim Port:

You can also complete the Three Medallions side quest which will lead you to the optional Esper, Chaos, Walker of the Wheel. Check out the Three Medallions side quest page for more information:

And lastly, there is one final optional Esper that you can defeat:

This concludes many of the side quests, Hunts and the optional Espers that you can complete at this stage of the game. There are a few additional side quests and Hunts that technically can be completed now but they become much easier to complete later on in the game.

The next destination, as mentioned by Reddas, is the Jagd Difohr, deep within the jungle of Golmore, in a corner of the Feywood. This is the way that leads to the true next destination which is Giruvegan.